Saturday, August 28, 2004

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DELON GORGEOUS!!!! Posted by Hello

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appear offline <3 10:50 PM

Yoe yoe! wondering hu is that above? would you believe that he's my boyfriend??? yes he is!! his name is DELON. haha. imah, in your dreams! got u shocked there. nyways2, isnt he damn cute!!! omg! when i saw him on indonesian idol the first time, i knew he was sho sho sho cute!! WHEE~~!! he also has a good voice. shud listen to him. too bad the pic above cannot show the spiky hairstyle he has. five words to desribe DELON: cute, hot, talented, nice and...CUTE!! hahahha. oke ima, ure going crazy. he's like my heartthrob! so cute and decent, the decent part, he acts and looks like one tho. haha! i'm head over heels... wow, first impression do make a difference. i mean, if a guy doesnt look cute, wud u fall for the person? hahhaha. i'm not saying that i fall for the person above uh but true lor, he's really cute!!! oke, i tink u guys get what i'm trying to sae, HES GORGEOUS AND CUTE!!! haha. ok, i shall stop then. eh i forgot to add. isnt his smile sweeeeeeeeett!!!! haha. oke, i shall talk bout my day now... 2dae, what did i do uh. i practised the 'toxic' dance, then head down to compass(the most common shopping centre) and had KFC. saw sir rodrick(my npcc sir) with my juniors eating at burger king. so we(me,ervy & felicia) said hie hie to them. yerp. aight... den i bought a rainbow strap watch. very nice! really! wanna see? next time if i'm more hardworking, i'll scan it. hehe. i'm lovin it! keke. then we bought black socks for our ' gloves'. well, u guys may think thats weird. nvmd, i dont wanna waste effort xplaining it. after i reached home, i had my long-awaited afternoon nap... ah... its like, the whole week of school, i slept at 1.30-2.00 am. then i was like, sick thruout the week. haiz! but, of cos, ima go to school. hehe. on thurs, i purposely skipped morning run and went to school around 7.50, on friday, i was truthfully late for school. i woke up at 7. haha! so got out of my house arnd 7.40. and i went for my first period late. whee~~! nvmd... oke, i'm like babbling on the stuff thats uninteresting. sorry for causing u to suffer from boredom. kaka. signing off, imah LURVES delon. haha! Posted by Hello

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Friday, August 20, 2004

appear offline <3 6:40 PM

The coolest pic of the Coolest person, in the middle that is. haha! pui! see my shoe!! NIKE! nice not?? Posted by Hello

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appear offline <3 6:38 PM

booyah!! Eh HarLoe!! Long time no update ah... been busy watching my huan zhu gege! haha! baBY i'm aDDictEd, i'M oUT of cONTrOL...*singing* i LurvE wU ah Ge! did i spell that right? yeah, i hope so. SHirley, don forget lend me the vcd oke! So excited!! haha. u lah, ask me watch this show... kaKa. i like the story because the xiao yan zi and wu ah ge so romantic and like feeling2 like dat. they love each other so so so much! i wonder, will i ever find a person that loves me that much? haha! starting to dream again imah! okok, i shall not blabber tons bout my craziness about huan zhu gege. Eh, not forgetting, i also like romance in the rain!! whahahha. where got leo ku, zhao wei and alec, me sure like one! Chinese ppl nv watch my huan zhu gege a mly girl like me can watch. Nvmd! :D wo xi huan mah! keke. well, the pics i put up are the pics taken during my npcc camp. It seems like ages since we had NPCC!! whahhaha! yeah, miss npcc ALOT!! the fun times had during training with juniors, having meetings and the times we stayed back sabo-ing the CI's and also getting saboed during on of the camps. Memories.... haha, not forgetting the times i made ervy stayed up the entire night to accompany me. :p well, wadehell.... pics posted, from left, shirley(goody2fren), ervy(close&besfren), me(ecuteandmostsylishone) hahhaha!! oke, chiaoz mates!! Posted by Hello

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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

appear offline <3 8:26 PM

hEyhEYhEy!! yErP, itS me, hU elSe maN! whAhaha! Lame gERL, i nOe. ahAkz. oKe, 2daE's upDate shALL be boUt yesTErday'S ouTIng anD 2daE's inTense oraL. pHuyOH!!! oRaL!!! it waS a FReaKY wHEn i waS waiTIng foR my tuRN maN! whEN thE firsT tiME i haD to reAD, mY haND hoLdinG the paPEr waS aLReadY shAking. reALLy, SHAKING!! anD as i toOk a stEP inTO the oraL roOm, mY paLMs waS swEatiNG anD i haD to wiPE my haNDs on mY skiRT ovER aND oveR agaIN. reALLy!! sO, i toOK mY oraL. fOR me, i tiNK it waS aigHT! i wenT oN anD on bOUt me wanTINg to be a sINGer anD thus a poLIcewoMan. OR did i sAE poLIcemaN? shAIt!! whAhahHa! whaTEveR! oKE, i tiNK the exaMINers waS quiTE keWL too. oNE, an olD woMAn, not tOO oLd, 2nD waS quiTe yoUNG, but nOE vEry yoUNg. yEah, mY turn waS the yoUNg oNE. i tOt waS aigHT! muaHAha! oKe, enUFF boUT my orALs. i tiNK i'm maKIng u guYS boreD. oKE, yEst weNT to cEntrEpoINT. witH moI famILy oF cozZY. haHA. oKE wad waS inteRestiNG boUT yeSt waS mY sis asKEd me, ME to puT on thE eyELIner foR heR. haHA! we weRe actuaLLy ruNNing LAte cOs we wERe meetiNG my daD buT shE took thE timE to asK me to puT on the EYELineR for heR. muaHAha! i puT on thE beLOW pARt foR her coS í fEar puTTIng maKe uP fEr ppL! i maY maKe a mistAKE oN pPLs faCe anD heY, iTS not mY faCE! kaKa. nOW watChin sGP idOL...foR the judGEs, i tiNK i liKe diCK LEe!! :D i tiNK the besT judgE amoNG the othERs. i HATE HATE HATE the juDGe wiTh thE speCs doWN. i tiNK he's thE ONly oNE condEmniNG the idOl hOpefuLs. hE sux maN! he'S not grEat anD whAT riGht doEs he haVe to saY aLL thoSe stuFF?? aW...he scOLDed the bAnanA maN!! he's sO cute!! baNana maN!! cuTey!! wiTh the suNglAsseS...i waNNa see da idENtitTy. Oke2, i shALL stoP hEre fEr now. i tiNK my enTRy thiS timE IS reaLLy Long-winDed. oKe, chAI chiEn! i tiNk spEllED thaT onE riGHt...

♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, August 09, 2004

appear offline <3 10:26 PM

hAppY bDae SGP!! yErpZ! iTs thE 9th oF auG. hU doEsnT nOE daT huh? weLL, iTs the 39 yRs SGP beEn inDEpenDent. anD thIS cumIN 12th Aug, mR goH chOk toNG wiLL be stePPIng DOwn FRom hiS posT. aIN't thaT saD guYz?? haHa! i'M not bEIng paTriotiC or anYThinG, juS daT he'S beeN a gOOd pRIme mInisTer iN my opINIon, he'LL be miSSed suReLy. the fiREwoRks sO nicE!! i LurvE thE heaRTs oNes! yeaH, watCHed it oN tv tHo. nYwayS, hAppy nATIonAL daE anD hAppY bdAE sGP! maY we sURvivE tiLL eTerniTY... bTw, toMM iS sKUL hOLis. hAf fuN!!! Posted by Hello

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Sunday, August 08, 2004

appear offline <3 12:44 AM

yOzzY! wELL, 2dAe hAd skOOL. hAd A Math mOck eXam!! muaHAha! wELL as uSUaL, i cuDnt dO aLL of dA qNs. wELL, i dIDnt acTUALLy stUdy fEr it. IT wuD bE a MIracLe if i pASS thIs paPEr maN. afTA daT haD biO cLAss. wE tot oF skiPPing tHE cLass bUt wE forCed oUrseLVes to GO. bUt, oUR effoRTs PAid oFF! wE weRE giVEn fErreRO rocHERre! muAhaha! i waS the fEW thAT tooK thRee. mOst of thEM toOK 2. wELL, actuALLy thE chOC LIke 'hapak' likE thaT buT, waDeheLL... sO aftA skOOL frOM 8.30 tiLL 12.30, i wENt hOME, goT readY to go fER picnIc wiTH mY auNT, gRams, uNCle, kUzzinS, mUm, sIS... bROughT aLOng mY pEt buNNy! mY buNNy waS so sCareD of tHE suN. aLWays reST undER a shADy aRea. mE, i iNitiaLLy diDnt waNT to gO inTo the sEa bUT mY smALL kuZZIns stARted sPLashiNG seA watER anD thROwing WET saND mE whEN i accoMPanieD mY baBY sis siTTing By the sEabaY. thEN iN the ENd, i foUnd mY shiRt waS weT! anD i hAd saND aLL oveR my clOTHes! sO i tOT, waDEheLL, juST go intO the seA, sO toOK caRE of mY sis. MY siS LURveS the waTEr!! i didNT brING anY xtRA shiRT so tOOK my uncLEs shiRT. haHA. iT waS biG buT i tOT it waS aiGHT. afTA daT, we weNT to eaT tuLANg at bEACH roaD. sO sEdaP!!! mY hand iS in faCT stiLL reD with thE staINS froM the sOup. waH. thIS tiME mY entrY veRY LOng. nvMD, i tiNk nooNE reAD nyWAYs.

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Friday, August 06, 2004

appear offline <3 3:58 PM

cuTE geRLs iN da hOUse!! muAHAha! Posted by Hello

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appear offline <3 3:57 PM

giVE yr bESt smILe geRLs!! Posted by Hello

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appear offline <3 3:55 PM

caNdiD!! diDnt nOE my toNGUe wAS that LOng. hAha! Posted by Hello

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appear offline <3 2:58 PM

WazZUp pEePZ!! hEY, fUyoH, LoNg tiME diDnt uPdatE me bLOggiE. sO, heYhEyheY! 2daE, eR...wEll, diDnt gO to scHOoL. muaHaHa! oVersLEpt LEr. haLf daY nyWAys, nO lesSOns sO didNT see thE poINt oF tuRNing uP. wELL, cuRRent afFairs = LiNI iN lURve WIth aDiB aka dIBbY! muaHAha. geRL, gO feR it! yEAh, mY heaRt's goNNa haVE a crACk oN it bUt, hEY, tiME wiLL heaL. :D weLL, receNTLy, toT of thE memORies i haD wiTh diBBy whERE i wUD LOok aT hiM duRIng evERy secONd of aSSembLY, tHOSe tiMEs whICh i wuD LOOk acrOss mY clASs anD see him sitTIng at thE bacK of yR claSS,coPYing noTes OR doIn soME assIGNment, whEN he waLKEd at thE cORRidOR of hIS clAss, eiTHer goING or reTURninG fRom reCess. thE mosT memorABLe moMenT, whEN wE waLKed acROss eaCH otHEr, wiTH me, 'e shY one', loOking doWN, wIth my faCE as REd aS cHErriES!! ahaaha! nOT fORgettIN, whEN hE pErformED thE diKIR baraT. tRIEd to taKE picS of hiM buT wAs unsUCCessfuL. hAha! thEN thE canOEing iNCideNT, thE firST tiME i kNew hE was spECIaL anD thE cyCLing oUTing. Hey, hE mIght noT reMEmbeR thEse stuFF buT, thEY wiLL staY in mY heaRT anD bE memORieS foRevEr. haHa! jIWAng!! kwaNG kwANg kwAng... bUT nywaYS, mY poiNT is, i wiLL nv bE abLE to fORget yOu bUT dOn wORry, uRe not mINe. sO LIni, gO chASe hiM!! haHa! as LOng thE pPL i LurvE arE hapPy, i'LL be haPPy! aW...sO roMAnTIc... whAhaHa!

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its just the beginning

emma hassan
republic polytechnic
biomedical sciences
retired NPCC member
self-known photographer
all rounder music lover

a daughter, a friend

let yourself be heard

everyday cravings

sentimental korean dramas
popcorn (salted)
coca-cola with ice
dunkin donuts
starbuck's hot chocolate
baskin robbins
mcdonald's fries
as told by ginger

past tensed

June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007

on air

